Tiffany's PR's

Tiffany's PR's
~1M: 07:43
~5K: 00:28:51
~10K 01:03:56
~Half: 02:28:04
~Marathon: 04:59:11

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Are you a Muldooniac?

It’s was a rainy Wednesday evening, and you can hear laughter coming from the patio of Jose Muldoon’s on South Carefree. It may have been raining and hailing,  but that did stop the runners, joggers and walkers of the Muldooniac Running Club. 

One by one members returned from the 5K or 10K route smiling with pride and wet.  Stefan starts to make his way around the room bringing everyone chips and salsa and taking everyone’s FREE post run beer or house margarita orders.  

I asked Jennifer McDonald what she like most about Jose Muldoon’s Running Club?  She smiled and said,  “I like the friends I have made and continue to make every week.  Even as we get bigger, it feels like we are family.”  This is very true, I have been around since the second week of this club  and I have seen new friendships made and grown as the club grows.

 After asking Kimberly Lindsay what makes her run Jose Muldoon’s Running Club? She said,  “I think the course is great, I like free the beer or margarita that you get after you finish your run, which gives me motivation as I make it up the hill.  What keep me coming back is after 12 runs you get your “beer shirt”.   The group is small enough that you can sit around and talk to your friends and hang out. I find it great that Stefan always remembers your usual order even when you come in on non-running days.”

 Jose Muldoon’s started their run club in the fall of 2011 with just a few runners.  As word got out more runners started to gather and now the club has 250+ registered runners. Running in the club is free, and there is no commitment required.  Participate in twelve 5K’s or ten 10K’s, and you qualify for your free Muldooniac’s technical running shirt.  Both Men’s and Women’s sizes are available.  Wear your Muldooniac shirt to either Jose Muldoon’s location and receive one free beer or house Margarita.

Jose Muldoon’s 5710 S. Carefree Circle, Colorado Springs, CO 80917

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