Tiffany's PR's

Tiffany's PR's
~1M: 07:43
~5K: 00:28:51
~10K 01:03:56
~Half: 02:28:04
~Marathon: 04:59:11

Thursday, February 16, 2012

What's in your cupboard?

If you think about it, as runners we tend to have a little bit of a masochist in us.  We like to inflict pain on ourselves, we enjoy pushing our bodies to the breaking point and keep going just to feel more pain, we brag about how bad something hurts then we are crazy enough to do it again. All because without the pain we feel like we are not trying hard enough.

People often call me stupid, crazy, insane, mental, and even demented! In reality I love to hear those words, because I know that I am doing something that most people can't nor want to do.

With all the wear and tear that runner's put on their bodies, we try to counter react the damage. We turn to the cupboard with our "magic" pills.

I often wonder if these pills are really doing anything for me. I do think the Chia is working, my HDL aka "good cholesterol"  is up from a low 30 to 42. For my height and weight I should be near 60, so I still have a little to go.

Move Free is for my knees. I had LT knee surgery in 2005. Anything that can keep me off the operating table and months of rehab is worth trying.

Nature's Made Vitamin C to to keep my immunity up. I do work with kids after all and they have all types of cuties and I don't want none of that!

Nature's Made for Her just because Mother always told me to take a multi Vitamin. See Mom I still listen to you.

BAYER, for those ackes and pains I talked about ealier
So, what's in your cupboard?

I run in the snow, rain, wind and heat. I run until I cannot run anymore then I run some more. I run thru the blur of tears, the aches and pains and then I keep going. I have more running clothes than some running stores, I know Fartklet does not mean like it sounds. I go to bed at 9pm; I get up early just to do it all over again. Why do I do this? Because I am a runner and that's who I am"

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... Vitamin D drops, Vitamin B supplements, a "cardio" mix that includes Omega 3's... oh, and a probiotic powder for my smoothies every morning... amazing what you still need even if you eat really well. Oh, and tylenol and advil of course!
