Tiffany's PR's

Tiffany's PR's
~1M: 07:43
~5K: 00:28:51
~10K 01:03:56
~Half: 02:28:04
~Marathon: 04:59:11

Sunday, July 4, 2010

I have bragging rights!

I ran the Jack Quinn's 5K last Tuesday and I beat Brad! Can you believe that? Brad says we came in "on time" but I was clearly a few minutes before him! I officially have bragging rights! I finished with a time of 38 minutes. Now, I said that I would shoot to finish the Alex Hoag Run for Sunshine in under 30 minutes and I think I can do that. For one, I would not be running in 80-90 degree weather! So that will be a plus!

My stats (according to my Nike+):

  • Time: 0:38:50
  • Pace: 0:12:28
  • Total K: 5.01
  • Calories Burned: 251

Next Tuesday work is having a good-bye thing for me at 5:30. So, I am thinking I will leave straight from work and run then go to the Jack Quinn's thing. This really puts a damper in my training schedule Tuesday's are my big run days and I have already missed one big day. I can not let this be a habit.

As for the run, that stupid hill gets me every time! I think it's the devil and it is there to make me work! I guess everything can't be easy!

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