Tiffany's PR's

Tiffany's PR's
~1M: 07:43
~5K: 00:28:51
~10K 01:03:56
~Half: 02:28:04
~Marathon: 04:59:11

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Recap of Last Night's Run

Last night's run through downtown Colorado Springs was run under GREAT weather. We have had a heat wave, and before the run, the clouds rolled in and the temperature drooped. 900+ runners finished a 5k+ (the "+" is because it was 5.44K which is a little over 1/4 mile longer). For those that do not know a 5K is 3.1 miles.

The run was a variety of pavement, road, trail and two hills. The hills kicked my "ars" and I learned very quickly that it was time to get new running shoes. Since the ones that I have are 10+ years old, but they have carried my but through many runs.

Here are my stats (according to my Nike+)
  • Time: 0:47:48
  • Pace: 0:14:09
  • Total Kil: 5.44
  • Calories burned: 252

Not the best that I could do, but I am very happy with my results. I now have a base line established. I ran 1Kil. walked 3Kil. then ran the last1k+. I will try to aim for a walk run method next time, and hope to improve my time. I also have to remember that I need to stop my time when I am stuck at a stop light. Running through down town you tend to hit street lights.

Jeff Galloway's nutrition advise was great, I never once felt dehydrated, although a power bar one hour prior to the race was needed ( . I skipped out on it in fear that I would end up with a gut acke. He suggests on Race day, you eat often in little portions, and stop four hours prior to the race, drink plenty of water and sports drinks 6-8oz every hour. I went with a G2 Gatoraide Lime flavor. I am not much of a juice drinker so it was tough for me to get that down. For lunch I made a Chicken Salad, with Almonds, grapes, cucumber, ranch dressing, celery, onion and pepper and a few wheat Special K crackers. So by the time I got out of work, with all that protein and the sports drink in me I was a little hyped up, or it could have been the endorphins rushing through me.

All in all, I feel it was a great run and I will look forward to the next one. Good thing today is a "rest" day, my muscles are sore, and I need to get new shoes.

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